There is a Parent Teacher Association which plans and undertakes various development work in the college. The association is run by the Executive Committee which takes all decisions. The parents/ guardians of the students contribute towards P.T.A. fund at the time of admission.

College Students Central Association (CSCA:)

The college student body called the CSCA is elected as per the norms and directions of H.P. University. It follows the recommendation of Lyngdoh Committee. The CSCA extends helping hand to the college administration in the smooth functioning of all activities.


The Principal can impose fine, suspension or even rustication of any student, who is found indulging in such misconduct as is listed below, Indiscipline on campus will not be tolerated.

  1. Any act of ragging on the campus will be severely dealt with Ragging implies harassment/ physical or mental torture to another student by a student or a group of students. Any student found associated in such nefarious activities will be held guilty of gross misconduct. Remember Ragging is a cognizable offence
  2. Anybody found guilty of writing obscene language words on blackboard, walls or furniture of the College.
  • Aimlessly loitering in the verandas, making noise or attempting to disturb classes.
  1. Smoking or consumption of alcohol/ drugs etc. in the college hostel/campus is strictly prohibited.
  2. Bringing unwanted outsider persons to the campus or sitting unnecessary on the passage to the campus.
  3. Pasting posters on the walls or notices on the Notice Board without Principal’s permission.
  • Mobile phone should be on switch off mode in classes and on silent mode outside classes/ college campus.
  1. Students, who participate in sports or other-curricular activities/ educational tours must produce written permission from their parents/ guardians.
  2. Every student must always carry with him/ her duty completed identity card which is issued to him/her at the time of admission. He/ she must produce the identity card when-ever demanded by any teacher or the Principal.
  3. Parents/Guardians are requested to remain in touch with the Principal and the concerned teachers regarding the progress of their wards in the college.

Note: In case of any emergency, the student(s) may contact any member of the Anti-Ragging cum Discipline Committee