Keeping in view the various types of reservations mentioned in clause 6 :Admission and Reservation” the following roster has been evolved w.e.f. session 1992-93 and all the admission shall be made according to this Roster of Reservation.


1 26SC 51 76 101hc
2 27ST 52SC 77SC 102
3 28 53ST 78SP 103
4 29 54 79ST 104
5 30 55 80ST 105
6 31 56 81CUL 106SC
7SC 32 57 82 HC 107ST
8 33SC 58 83 108
9 34HC 59SC 84 109
10 35 60SP 85SC 110
11 36 61CUL 86 111
12SC 37 62 HC 87 112
13 38CUL 63 88 113SC
14 39SC 64 89 114
15 40SP 65SC 90 115
16 41ST 66HC 91SC 116
17 42 HC 67ST 92 117SP
18SC 43 68 93ST 118 HC
19SP 44 69 94 119SC
20CUL 45 70 95 120ST
21 HC 46SC 71 96
22 47 72SC 97SC
23 48 73 98CUL
24 49 74 99SP
25 50 75 100HC


Abbreviations used: SC: Scheduled Caste, SC: Scheduled Tribe, SP: Sports,

CUL:  Cultural, HC:  Handicapped.

Number of category-wise reserved seats in 120 point reservation roster:

SC 18 Seats (15%)
ST 9 Seats (7.5%)
SP 6 Seats (5%)
CUL 6 Seats (5%)
 HC 6 Seats 5%)


Ragging is a punishable offence

Indulgence in any kind of act which fall in the category of ragging in or outside the college campus is strictly prohibited and is an offence of serious nature inviting rigorous punishment.

Note: Mobile phones and chewing-gum are strictly banned in college campus